I haven't almost taken any pictures lately for lack of time. But just a few days ago I demonstrated to myself once more that such a thing as lack of time is not really a good excuse. It was already past midnight and I was ready to go to bed. We'd had a visitor, Aldo, with whom I had been discussing about his poetry and the eventual possibility to combine poems with images. We'd reviewed books by Jodice, Koudelka and Arthur Tress. We'd looked at how Hans Bol had worked with poems in his book. So after Aldo had left, I was still excited about what we discussed. So when I looked outside and saw a thick, smoggy mist, it took only a minute of inconclusiveness to pick up the Fuji 645, load it with a roll of Ilford 3200 and go out for a short walk in the neighbourhood. It took me less than half an hour to shoot up the roll of 16 images. Today I picked up the film at the lab and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Lots of out of focus (exposure times of 2 secs and longer) but plenty of atmosphere. I like this little series. Plain proof that "lack of time" does not exist. Laziness however, does.
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