In Concert

I was at a concert by the Brad Mehldau Trio recently (Ancien Belgique, Brussels, Nov. 15th). My first attempt at concert photography, just for fun (and because there's plenty of Neopan 1600 around). I was lucky to be positioned at the first row with excellent views of the musicians. I took my M2 with the (3-element) Elmar 90/4 and the M4 with the Noctilux. Incidentally there was another guy shooting a few seats to the left. By the time Brad got sight of his enormous 70-200/2.8, and asked him not to take any pictures, I had already made 25 exposures totally unnoticed by any of the members of the trio. So in a way these are stealth pictures (not exactly great pictures either) and I doubt whether Mehldau would be happy to see them online. I just hope he won't sue me ... ;-s
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