Personally I am more interested in the vestiges of classical antiquity than in the Baroque and Renaissance Rome. There's something undefinably weighty and solemn about them. Even in Athens, where more than in Rome the remnants are confined to an archeological archipelago (with the Parthenon in the centre), they dominate the spirit of the city. It's amazing we can still walk around in vestiges of human civilisation of thousands of years ago. And if you think about it, it wasn't that much different from today. Just read the letters of Pliny the Younger and you'll notice that top-level Romans were just as mobile, culturally sophisticated and business-savvy as we are.
The Bronica is a very versatile tool: with the iso dial on 800 and the ability to take shots up to 1/10s out of hand, you can shoot inconspicuously in museums. The bad weather makes is a mixed blessing: the light is soft and diffuse and the reflections of rain and puddles creates depth in pictures.
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