Matterhorn revisited

Last week I was able to spend another few days in the vicinity of the Matterhorn, hoping to progress with my photo project. We had a couple of splendid late summer days, with limpid skies filled with delicate cloud arabesques, and warm, shimmering colours. Ideal for taking pictures! The idea was also to try and climb the mountain, but, despite the good weather, conditions were far from ideal. With a thin ice sheet on the rocks above 3800m the climb promised to be arduous ('auf biegen und brechen' as the locals say). My guide Martin Kopfsguter preferred to give it a try at some other time. Instead we climbed another 4000m peak in the area: the Lagginhorn. In addition, I was able to expose 27 4x5" negatives, which is a lot.
The picture above was taken with the iSweep panorama function on the little DSC-HX5. I must say I love these kinds of extreme panoramas. And all this with just an 180° sweep of the arm. Amazing ...
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