Impromptu portrait of our son, Witold. With the Konica Hexar RF and the Noctilux wide open on Efke 100. Lots of ink has been spilled over the supposed uncompatibility of Leitz optics with the Hexar M-bayonet. Clearly, my Konica has no problems focusing the Noct' even with its relatively narrow rangefinder basis. Marvelous camera and superbly easy to use with this particular lens due to automatic exposure. With a handheld meter, the Noct' wide open is fickle to work with. And it is beyond the range of aperture-speed combinations that I am able to guesstimate. To be honest, I didn't even entertain the idea of fitting the Noctilux on the Hexar until I saw Tommy Oshima doing it. Thanks, Tommy.
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