Prep weekend

I have just returned from a week away: first to the Alps for a Pakistan preparation weekend and then onwards to my parents' home in the South-West where I spent a quiet few days mostly working and writing.
The weekend was a mixed affair. I enjoyed the winter camping and hauling the pulkas (sledges) went reasonably well. But on the Sunday tour I lost a ski fairly high up the mountain so I had to make my way back down the slopes grumbling and on foot in the most atrocious snow. Anyway, it was an opportunity to put the Fuji 690 in action and see how that would work. It's an easy camera to deal with: light and very simple to use. I didn't take a light meter and relied on sunny sixteen for the exposures. That wasn't too difficult. I got a series of fairly evenly exposed negatives as a result. Above is a sample of the 12 pics or so I took. It's not exactly the type of images I'm looking for on my trip. Point was to show that the Fuji/Tri-X 320 combo works fine, that's all. And it does. Although I will obviously have to watch flare. I have ordered 50 rolls of 220 Tri-X. That makes for 800 negs or roughly 4,5 square meters of emulsion.
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