
Skiing is a very absorbing activity. I didn't take a lot of pictures last week. I had the Leica CM with me and the 5D with the Zeiss 45/2.8 pancake lens ("Adlerauge"). The adaptor ring specifies that this lens is not supposed to work with the 5D but it did. However, I noticed that the mirror must have an only infinitesimal margin to move up and down with this lens because with lower temperatures it effectively hits the back of the lens (probably due to differential contraction under influence of cold) . So the Adlerauge on the 5D is not a sure bet. However, when it works it does really fine. I never suspected this lens was such a fine performer. On film it never quite convinced me.
The picture below was taken with the 5D on a walk early in the week just after a snow front dumped 30cm of fresh powder. I'm still benefiting from Johan's mini-tutorial on layers and curves a few weeks ago. This gives lots of creative latitude. Although there is perhaps a temptation to add more drama than an image can support ...
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