Last two Saturdays I have spent a few hours atop the 97m high tower of the Sint Rombouts Cathedral in Mechelen. Purpose was to take panorama pictures of the city for the local visitors centre (in response to a request from my friend Wim Van den Hende who runs the company that in charge of designing the centre) . We had the benefit of two marvelous autumn days, with luminous skies arching over the city, optically connecting Brussels in the south with Antwerp in the north. However, it turns out that this particular time of the year is not suitable for taking pictures towards southern direction. The sun remains too low, creating an uneven illumination, with deep shadowy pockets, of the city. I took pictures with the Fotoman 612, the Widepan and the Wista 4x5". The final presentation will be in the form of three panels, in total 20m long and 2 m high. Above are some fairly amusing pictures taken by Wim. Jeezes.
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