Maiden voyage

I almost forgot to take note of it in this blog but it's not without importance: Imagerie - the joint venture between Frans Roex, Pol Leemans, Johan Doumont and myself - has started its activities early December with an introductory course on digital photography. Soon there will be another session plus a more comprehensive 3-day Photoshop course. The sessions are not fully loaded, but we have to start somewhere.
I am bit worried about the profusion of tutorials and courses on Photoshop and digital photography these days. Johan thinks that in the long term this will actually help us. Soon people will not be able to see the wood for the trees anymore. Focused information will be all the more valuable. I hope he is right. But maybe we should have started this a year ago. Anyway, the boat is in the water and in a couple of months time we will know already a lot more about the viability of this idea.
Picture above is courtesy of Pol Leemans. It shows Johan Doumont explaining the basics of digital photography to his students. Frans Roex is listening in, slightly amused, on the left hand side.
Great idea - your Imagerie. Here in my Hometown Chemnitz, there is no Photographic School. The next is in Leipzig and cost to many money! I wish you a good start and many good students.
Marko, at 11:28 AM
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