Friday, January 06, 2006

Picture of the day - Waterloo in Winter

Got my negatives developed from the December 30th outing to the Waterloo battle site. I'm afraid there is not a lot that is worth retaining. It's not easy to take good pictures when it is darn cold ...

Moreover, the few images that I selected prove to be very difficult to scan. The greytones come out very muddy. I have no idea why that is. Maybe it's a matter of exposure. It's certainly not the first time that I scan from a roll of Tri-X. I'm quite familiar with this film in terms of scanning. Also there is considerable light fall off with the Heliar 15mm. When taking pictures on snow with a bleak sky this becomes very obvious.

I'm not even sure about the picture I have selected for this post. There is atmosphere, but perhaps not quite enough to turn it into a somewhat distinctive image. Taken with a Leica M4 fitted with a CV Heliar 15/4 on Tri-X at 400 asa.


  • Waterloo... looks very impressive. I never see Waterloo. This are the first pictures that i see...

    By Blogger Marko, at 7:46 AM  

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