The arrow

This is a great picture taken by my son Witold. I threw him the challenge of capturing a picture of a dart in mid-air. It is a shot that would be very difficult to take on film. You might shoot a whole roll without having an idea of whether you really succeeded in capturing the image as intended. This was done with the 5D and a manual (!) Zeiss 85/1.4 wide open (!). I love the blurry contours of the tree in the background and the cruel definiteness of the arrow hurling towards its inevitable, static, zero-kinetic-energy goal.
A very nice idea or better say a challenge. Some special words from the Dalai Lama cames in my mind as he speak about children's. He say: If you have a special religion, your child will take over these later. I think you have a "special religion" called photography ;o)
Be not so worry if Witold will outtake you in things of photography at later times. That's the stream of life ;o) You should give him all you know..
Marko, at 2:40 PM
Ongelooflijke foto. Hij brengt bij mij de idee naar boven dat "focus" alles te maken heeft met doel vinden...
IO en DIRK, at 4:00 PM
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