Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Assault on the Twelve Bens

I am quite pleased with this image. I have several versions of it which to my mind all work. What I find attractive is the simple, understated composition, the interplay of different textures (clouds, water, earth) and the subtlety of the "message".

The picture fits in the "new Ireland" part of the tryptich and shows how seemingly random construction of new houses is spoiling the countryside, even in such remote locations as Western Connemara. On the lefthand side in the background are the peaks of the Twelve Bens, one of Ireland's wildest mountain ranges.

Not sure what lens I have taken this picture with. Could be the 45mm or the 90mm.


  • Hey, this looks a little bit like my "Talsperre" picture. Also nice shot.

    By Blogger Marko, at 12:03 AM  

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