Back from a short trip through Normandy and Brittany. Lots of rain and wind and sea. I shot with the iPhone 5, and processed the pics on the road through Snapseed (converting them into B&W and adding a sniff of 'drama'). A great time saver! I'm having some trouble with the highlights but otherwise I'm fine with the overall look.
Nice to see you back here. I have seen some pictures of you viĆ” your twitter page. Snapseed is still a wonderful small helper app. I use it also! All of my recent pictures are made with it. A happy new year to you and your family.
Marko, at 11:06 AM
Hey, Marko, good to hear from you! I gladly return your kind wishes to you and the family.
Photographywise I have been a bit adrift and still I'm waiting for a current that takes me to new horizons. Luckily the iPhone makes it very easy to stay in motion. So from now on you can expect regular updates on these pages. And I'm also keeping up my listening diary (mostly classical) on
Nice of you to stay in touch.
Philippe, at 1:59 PM
iPhone is a cool thing. But a little bit to expensive to my taste. I use my regular workhorses Ricoh GXR and GR. Just deleted my blog here because my twitter account.
Yes, we stay in touch ;-)
Marko, at 3:59 PM
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